Whoopi was born on 12.11.2018 she is a Spirit daughter. To keep to the phantom theme her name is derived from the film Ghost. Oda Mae Brown being one of the main characters from the film, played by Whoopi Goldberg. This little lady just oozes confidence, she is looking like a very promising puppy, is very well put together and has a exquisite head with eyes that are just full of fire and mischief. Although she is black she will carry the phantom gene, this mating was done with the hope of introducing more quality to the phantom lines, I believe it has been successful!
When Whoopi was just 14 weeks old she suffered a catastrophic accident, resulting in a subluxation of the spine (C1-C2), a broken pelvis and a massive brain hemorrhage. She should have died at the time of the accident, but she didn't. She eventually regained consciousness but was paralysed. It took many weeks of veterinary care, 24hr nursing and physio from myself and tremendous support from my family and friends, but she has now made a recovery that is nothing short of miraculous. She is left with some slight disabilities but she lives her life to the full and does everything that the other dogs do, including trick training and hoopers. Her strength of character is nothing short of amazing and I can't begin to describe the bond I have with this girl. She is my little miracle.
DNA tested clear for vWD, DM and NE and is hip scored 3:6, her most recent eye test was Sept 2021.

Since her accident Whoopi has gone from strength to strength. Although she has got a couple of quirks that indicate she is a little different she doesn't know that and is determined to live her life to the full and do whatever the other dogs do, she does not see herself as handicapped.
Having lost her mum, Spirit, Whoopi was the only dog I could continue my phantom line with. After much deliberation and having consulted with two seperate vets we decided to go ahead and mate her. Again we used a solid coloured boy who has done extremely well in the show ring and Whoopi had 11 beautiful pups in Dec 2021. She adored the babies and was a perfect mum to them right from the start rearing them with absolutely no issues, but she was only ever going to have one litter (so I could keep the line going) as I wouldn't risk a second pregnancy and she has since been spayed. Whoopi will always be so special to me, she truly is my miracle girl.

Just a selection of photos of my girl, living her best life.